Main Page
About team satoshi
Be strong. Be healthy.
Team satoshi is a global, open, borderless and decentral sports team. You love sports and bitcoin, you are part of team satoshi.
We create awareness for bitcoin and bring forward the decentralization of money and power. We believe in a world of global, open, neutral, censorship-resistant and decentralized sound money for the people. We organize private sports challenges and local sports teams as well as contribute to public sports events. We advocate for human rights, the cypherpunk manifesto and the bitcoin whitepaper. Sportswomen and sportsmen can become part of team satoshi anywhere in the world and are encouraged to start own projects/ challenges/ teams. In return for creating mainstream awareness and bringing bitcoin adoption forward, participants/ teams can get sponsored by collecting donations from the bitcoin community and/ or through other forms of sponsorship. We support sports, art and other forms of creativity & community engagement.
We are team satoshi.
Stack fitness. Hodl health.

upcoming/ ongoing events
- #halvingfast - a fasting challenge to fast a certain amount of time before the 840000 Bitcoin halving
- Road2Bitcoin 2023 - on October 31st 2023
- cypherfit - cypherpunk fitness challenge - starting October 31st 2023; ending January 3rd 2024

past events
Running Bitcoin 2024 - a fundraising & running challenge in honor of Hal Finney - January 3rd until January 10th 2024
- #fastforpeace - a personal 15 day fasting challenge by Vitus starting on October 16th, ending on October 31 2023
- Road2Bitcoin 2023 - on October 31st 2023
- cypherfit - cypherpunk fitness challenge - starting October 31st 2023; ending January 3rd 2024
- Bitcoin Ballers Orange Cup Tournament - during the Bitcoin Conference in Amsterdam 2023
- 5th Run for Hal Finney - September 6th 2023
- 5th Satoshi Freeathlon - August 1st 2023
- bikestacking to the BTC Zitadelle in Stattegg, Austria from July 8th to 13th
- Pizza and Workout Day - May 22nd 2023
- Janine Griesser's #21days10km - a personal challenge by Janine Griesser (founder of to run 21 days days 10km each to celebrate her one year anniversary of being self-employed on the bitcoin standard
- Running Bitcoin 2023 - a fundraising & running challenge in honor of Hal Finney - January 1st until January 10th 2023
- cypherfit - cypherpunk fitness challenge - starting October 31st 2022; ending January 3rd 2023
- Road2Bitcoin 2022 - September 6th - 21st 2022
- 4th Run for Hal Finney - September 6th 2022
- BTC PoW-Tour Germany August 22nd - September 3rd 2022
- 4th Satoshi Freeathlon - August 1st 2022
- Pizza and Workout Day - May 22nd 2022
- Running Bitcoin 2022 - a fundraising & running challenge in honor of Hal Finney - January 1st until January 3rd 2022
- Birthday challenge - global challenge in celebration of 13 years bitcoin - January 3rd of 2022
- cypherfit - cypherpunk fitness challenge - starting October 31st 2021; ending January 3rd 2022
- Birthday challenge - global challenge in celebration of 12 years bitcoin - January 3rd of 2021
- BullRun challenge hosted by Richard Taylor who started bitcoin runners
- Pizza and Workout Day - May 22nd 2021
- A community race during the Serpent Trail Race hosted by Richard Taylor from bitcoin runners - July 3rd 2021
- 3rd Satoshi Freeathlon - August 1st 2021
- 3rd Run for Hal Finney - September 6th 2021
- Road2Bitcoin - October 31st 2021
- cypherfit - cypherpunk fitness challenge - starting October 31st 2020; ending January 3rd 2021
- Birthday challenge - global challenge in celebration of 11 years bitcoin - January 3rd of 2020
- #100pushups100situps #CoronaChallenge by @ecurrencyhodler - ongoing since March 17th 2020
- Halving Challenge - At the time of the 3rd halvening
- Pizza and Workout Day - May 22nd 2020
- 2nd Satoshi Freeathlon - August 1st 2020
- Unchain Convention Run - August 27th, 28th and 29th 2020
- 2nd Run for Hal Finney - September 6th 2020
- cypherfit - cypherpunk fitness challenge - starting October 31st 2020; ending January 3rd 2021
- Tour de Satoshi - bitcoin anniversary bike tour from Florence to Frankfurt - January 3rd - 12th of 2019
- satoshi freeathlon - freestyle triathlon from Zug to Munich - August 24th - 27th of 2019 - sponsored by
- Run for Hal Finney - September 6th of 2019

- Khunjerab Pass Challenge - September 21st of 2019
- Berlin marathon - September 29th of 2019
- Singapore Ultra Marathon - September 19th of 2019
- cypherfit - cypherpunk fitness challenge - starting October 31st 2019; ending January 3rd 2020
- Ljubljana Marathon - October 27th 2019 - tstorch run by Jerney
- New York City Marathon - November 3rd 2019 - tstorch run by Biser
Groups, Projects
Bitcoin runners
Bitcoin Runners is a global, borderless, open-source running club. Like the protocol itself, transferring value across space and time, this club is for bitcoiners wishing to network and connect in an invigorating, healthy, p2p way. Socialise, exercise, learn, and network while actively helping to promote the free speech money revolution! More more info at
Bitcoin Ballers
Bitcoin Ballers is the white rabbit providing financial curiosity for all through sport and guided discovery. Football is currently at the core of this sportive initiative. Information, competition and entertainment for the young generation is at the heart of our endeavours. Find out more about Bitcoin Ballers here.
Real Bedford
Real Bedford is a small english football club which became bitcoin themed after Peter McCormack bought it. Since it has won the local championships and is developing well. The club management has been significantly professionalized.
ŠK Hájske
The slovakian amateur football club ŠK Hájske is a bitcoin affiliated club that has a large bitcoin logo on their jerseys. The team of ŠK Hájske is worldwide one of the first football teams that openly shows their support and affection for bitcoin. Follow @SSatoshiho on Twitter for updates and to find out more.

team satoshi lightning torch (#tstorch)
The team satoshi torch (tstorch) is a lightning torch that was virtually being handed over from one athlete to the next. It was collecting kilometers and converting them into sats. Find out more about it.
Conference runs/ exercises
As a side program to The Lightning Conference 2019 we organized the first runners meetup before the conference started.
Same goes for the Unchain Conference 2020 in Frankfurt, the Bitcoin 2021, 2022, 2023 in Miami, the Adopting Bitcoin 2021 and 2022 conference in El Salvador and many, many others. Since they were always well-perceived, we are always open to similar events at other Bitcoin conferences. This event is always cohosted with Bitcoin Runners. Find more historic events and impressions here
There is professional team satoshi and bitcoin runners sportswear available for purchase. We have no sportswear on stock and order for a production run roughly every 6 months. The sportswear is given to anybody at cost. If you would like to be updated about new clothes, join the team satoshi sportswear Telegram group for now.
Also you can find Bitcoin Runners and team satoshi sportswear and merchandise to buy at
Contact, join, support
You want to join, support, sponsor or write about team satoshi? Go ahead. Feel free to get in touch with the contact person of single events or donate bitcoin to events/ participants you want to support.
You can also get in touch with Vitus Zeller or Richard Taylor