- HalvingChallenge
Fitness live stream for the halvening.
During block 629.999 and 630.000
Join the #HalvingChallenge with cool moderators and special guests
Watch the live stream workout for the duration of block 629,999 and 630,000 between which the halving event will occur. Participants do any fitness activity they like and post about it under #HalvingChallenge on twitter
Let us make it an epic halvening! Join us.
Alexandra Moxin (Vancouver, Canada)
Vlad Costea (Romania)
Anibal Santaella (Scotland)
Biser Dimitrov (New York City, USA)
Anita Posch (Viena, Austria)
Leo Weese (Hongkong)
Desiree Dickerson (California?)
Richard Taylor (UK)
Dario Duran (Switzerland)
Sergei Tikhomirov (Luxembourg/ Russia)
Veronika Kütt (Frankfurt, Germany)
Vitus Zeller (Munich, Germany)
Jesly Jose (Dresden, Germany)
Renee Leibler (New York, USA)
Theo Goodman (Germany)
Vesa (London, UK)
Dominik Weil (maybe) (Vietnam) Emanuel Böhm (Germany)
and more to come!