Fitness live stream for the halvening.
During block 629.999 and 630.000
Join the '#HalvingChallenge' with moderators Alexandra Moxin and Vlad Costea
- Special guests from around the world will be running, cycling, swimming, and working out for the duration of blocks 629,999 and 630,000
- The event will be live streamed to promote bitcoin and fitness now and into the future
- Join in with an activity of your choice and share it on Twitter with #HavlingChallenge
Let us make it a great and memorable halvening event!
Alexandra Moxin (Vancouver, Canada)
Vlad Costea (Romania)
Anibal Santaella (Scotland)
Biser Dimitrov (New York City, USA)
Anita Posch (Viena, Austria)
Leo Weese (Hongkong)
Desiree Dickerson (Washington, DC)
Richard Taylor (UK)
Dario Duran (Switzerland)
Sergei Tikhomirov (Luxembourg/ Russia)
Veronika Kütt (Frankfurt, Germany)
Vitus Zeller (Munich, Germany)
Jesly Jose (Dresden, Germany)
Renee Leibler (New York, USA)
Theo Goodman (Germany)
Vesa (London, UK)
Dominik Weil (Saigon, Vietnam)
Javier B (Venezuela)
Christian Goldie (Saint John, Canada)
Sergi Delgado (Barcelona, Spain)
Vesa (London, UK)
Ed (Scotland)
Tobias Göppel (Munich, Germany)
George Longland (England)
Pam Mujamdar
Emanuel Böhm (Germany)
and more to come!
Security tips for your own safety:
Some tips if you go for a run or other exercise outside during night time:
Try to run in a backyard, treadmill, park or athletic track.
Try not to run alone.
Don’t go for unknown routes.
Maybe tell somebody where you will be running.
Hydrate and eat properly.
Do any activity so long as it’s safe.
Wear Hi-Visibility clothing if you’re exercising outside.
Follow the rules and regulations of your country of residence.
Running safely is like our "private keys.
We collecting and are donating BTC
As a charitable cause we decided in an anonymous vote to donate any donations to this event to the St. Anne School in Zimbabwe. Anita Posch established the connection and your donations go directly to help this school in need.
Here's the donation address: 37JYLVegSbFESajY2DtZu7eyYDALmcc1Vg
Thanks for helping and supporting!